Meeting Minutes

Hebron Softball: 1.18.2018
Meeting Minutes.
Joey Colletti
Rob Schadtle
Mike Corona
Rob Roy
Jarrid Clifton (via email)
Ryan Price

Discussed and accepted:
Bats: Men will hit wood bats. Women will hit composite, or wood if desired.
League will purchase 2-4 bats depending on number of teams.
League will purchase an additional strike mat and safety bag.

Coed Rule Changes:

60 ft. marker from 2nd base into outfield where fielders must remain until the ball is hit will be added.
Two female players must play infield positions. One can be catcher.
Minimum of four females in the lineup. If there is not a fourth, an automatic out will be assessed where the fourth would be in the lineup.
If a male is walked, he will be given 2nd base. The next female will have the option to hit or take 1st base.
A 10 run limit (per inning) will be used. This does not apply to the final inning.

Mission Statement:
A mission statement will be added to the website for incoming teams so they are aware of the level of competition they should expect.

We will look to get going the last week of July and run through the end of August, or first week of September.
A manager’s meeting will be held prior to the beginning of the season to make certain the new teams are aware of the mission of the league and that rules are clear.
For further discussion:

Will discuss with town to hold banquet at the gazebo at Burnt Hill .This would be a dry event.
If not, we will consider holding it at someone’s house to reduce costs.
It will be discussed to remove the Sunday game and add another weeknight game.

Cost structure:
We have been told by the town that the cost of the league will increase.
There will be a meeting with the town on Monday, January 22 to discuss.
2018 will be a “per team” structure.

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Hebron Softball Meeting Minutes 1.18.2018..